I created a Hybrid Weekly Goal Planner that can track daily goals as checkmarks and numbers.
I found with most templates, a weekly goal is expected to be completed 7 days a week and there is only the flexibility of hitting a checkbox.
This one allows full customization of the # of days per week as well as a number of goals for a task (ex running miles in a week).
On top of that, this template creates a log every week which can be duplicated.
You have the ability to scroll past each week to see progress.
I’m also taking recommendations for templates/content in the future. Make sure to reach out to me on Twitter @RyanNolan_ or email [email protected]
Clicking on this link will take you to the weekly planner
2023 Weekly Planner [TEMPLATE]
For this section you have the classic 7 day week checkboxes, but with the flexibility of choosing the # of days to perform the task.
Changing the # of Days will then update the formula.